Rich Thornett
I'm a long-time software and product developer. I spent over twenty years building software at blue chips and startups and led efforts in software development, product direction and design, and hiring product teams.
In the late aughts, a friend and I started a side project that evolved into a beloved social network for designers, a global meetup network, a leading hiring platform for tech startups, and a small, remote company with eight employees. We ran it for eight years until eventually selling the business.
Today I have a small portfolio of pursuits. I built and run Outer Join, a job board for remote work in data science. I’m an autodidactic financial planner and investor, managing a micro family office of sorts for extended family; a high school basketball coach; and a volunteer on special projects for Salem Public Schools.
Most recently, while exploring colleges with my son, I became fascinated with the college admissions landscape and have spent too much time reading, listening, and spreadsheeting in that arena; another side project may be forthcoming. I’m excited to be volunteering as a college coach this year with ScholarMatch, an organization which helps make college possible for underserved youth.
Speaking of college, here’s a trivia question: I attended the oldest public college (undergrad) and the first public college (grad school) in the United States. What schools are they and why are they not the same?
I live on the North Shore of Boston in quirky, historic Salem, Massachusetts with my supastah wife, Susanna, our two teen titans (son in college, daughter in high school), and our ridiculous pets. We’re all stubborn as hell (especially the pets), but I love this crew dearly.
I’m a basketball fanatic, particularly of big green men, and still love to hoop (though managing my body to do so has become a sport unto itself). I’m newer to pickleball but addicted already. I was once an avid reader of books and am trying to reestablish that habit. And I can’t live without my podcasts–the cleaning, dishes, and laundry would never get done without them. (Frankly, I’m much better at finishing podcasts than any of those things.)